Nicolas Fuentes-Allende
I am an international student from Chile. My research interests centre on field ecology and management of wild ungulates, with a specific focus on assessing factors that affect their habitat preferences, population dynamics and body condition. During my PhD I am going to work assessing how the prescribed burning of grasslands affects wild ungulates in the South African Savanna. I have previously worked in field ecology of wild ungulates in Chile (taruka Hippocamelus antisensis, vicuna Vicugna vicugna, guanaco Lama guanicoe, feral donkeys Equus asinus) and United States (white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus), and assessing population dynamics of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Scotland. I am also a big fan of wildlife photography. Position: PhD Student in the Department of Biosciences
Supervised by: Prof. Stephen Willis, Dr. Philip Stephens Contact Details: Department of Biosciences, Durham University South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE. Phone: +44 (0)191 334 1266 Email: [email protected] Education
2016-Present: PhD Biological Sciences, Durham University, UK 2014-2015: MSc Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, Imperial College London, UK 2009-2011: Engineer in Natural Resources, Universidad de Chile, Chile 2005-2009: Licentiate in Natural Resources,Universidad de Chile, Chile Publications
Mata C, Fuentes-Allende N, Malo JE, Vielma A, Gonzalez BA. 2018. The mismatch between location of protected areas and suitable habitat for the Vulnerable taruka Hippocamelus antisensis. ORYX, DOI: 10.1017/S0030605317001740 Barrio J, Nuñez A, Pacheco L, Regidor HA, Fuentes-Allende N. 2017. Hippocamelus antisensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T10053A22158621 Lagos N, Fuentes-Allende N, Sepúlveda C, Gamboa, F, Hernández J, González BA. 2017. New record for taruka (Hippocamelus antisensis) in the Chilean puna after 40 years. Are we looking for the deer in the right places?. DSG Newsletter 29(June):16-22. Fuentes-Allendea, N., Vielmab, A., Paulsenc, K., Arredondod, C., Cortie, P., Estadesb, CF., & Gonzálezb, BA., 2016. Is human disturbance causing differential preference of agricultural landscapes by taruka and feral donkeys in high Andean deserts during the dry season? Journal of Arid Environments 135: 115-119 Malo, JE, González, BA, Mata, C, Vielma, A, Donoso, DS, Fuentes, N, & Estades, CF. 2016. Low habitat overlap at landscape scale between wild camelids and feral donkeys in the Chilean desert. Acta Oecologica, 70:1-9 |
Fuentes, N, Mata, C, Castellaro, G, Donoso, D, Donoso, J, Vielma, A, Gonzalez, BA. 2016. Taruka in Chile: endangered, unknown and unloved. Presented at the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, Aug 2015.
Fuentes, N, Mata, C, Castellaro, G, Donoso, D, Donoso, J, Vielma, A, Gonzalez, BA. 2016. Taruka in Chile: endangered, unknown and unloved. Presented at the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, Aug 2015.
Selected Awards and Fellowships
Becas Chile Scholarship for PhD course, 2016-2019
Becas Chile Scholarship for Master course, 2014-2015
Becas Chile Scholarship for PhD course, 2016-2019
Becas Chile Scholarship for Master course, 2014-2015