Melissa Dawson
My research interests are broadly focused on biodiversity conservation, with a particular interest in avian conservation. During my BSc I spent a year working for the Game and Wildlife Conservation trust (GWCT), helping on a number of conservation projects focussed on habitat development for many endangered bird species including the Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) and Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix). My main focus during this placement year was assessing the breeding success of the Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), a red-listed bird species undergoing dramatic declines across the UK. My placement year at the GWCT fuelled my passion for avian research, and was a major driver in my decision to undertake my current MSc project. For this MSc project, I am investigating the effect of fire management practises on bird and invertebrate communities, within a South African savanna. During the study I hope to look at the immediate effects of burning on invertebrate, bird and mammal diversity and abundance; as well as assess the longer term effects of burning on birds and invertebrates. Position: MSc Student in the Department of Biosciences
Supervised by: Dr. Stephen Willis, Dr. Philip Stephens Membership: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research (BEER) Centre Contact Details: Department of Biosciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE. Phone: +44 (0)191 3341252 Email: Education
2014-present Masters by Research, Durham University 2010-2014 BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences with Industrial Placement, Durham University Selected Awards and Fellowships
Floreat Fund Award, Hatfield College, Durham University, 2014 Barry Northrop Prize, Hatfield College, Durham University, 2014 |