Lucy Gardner
Broadly, my research interests lie in the area of biodiversity conservation and the impacts of climate change on species. More specifically, I am interested in how climate change is effecting agriculture and the subsequent effect this will have on food security. I am also interested in whether it is possible to harmonise food production with biodiversity conservation, and for my undergraduate dissertation I considered this by reviewing ‘land sharing’ and ‘land sparing’ methods of farming. During my time as an undergraduate I also spent a year working at Kew Gardens, carrying out taxonomic research on the Cyperaceae family. This year fuelled my passion for research and is one of the main reasons why I decided to study for an MSc. For my MSc, I am researching how climate change is effecting species extinction responses. Specifically, I will be looking at the world’s bird and mammal species, and will be using population viability analysis to model their extinction risks under future climate scenarios. Most recently, due to my interests in science communication and citizen science, I have co-led a camera trapping project to get school children and university students interested in biodiversity Position: MSc Student in the Department of Biosciences
Supervised by: Dr. Stephen Willis, Dr. Philip Stephens Membership: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research (BEER) Centre Contact Details: Department of Biosciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE. Phone: +44 (0)191 3341252 Email: [email protected] Education
2014-present Masters by Research, Durham University 2010-2014 BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences with Industrial Placement, Durham University Publications
Gardner, L.R., Weber, O. & Simpson, D.A. (2014) Cyperus beentjei, a new species of Cyperaceae from Tropical East Africa delimited through morphometric analysis. Kew Bulletin, 69 (2), 1-10. |
Selected Awards and Fellowships
Ustinov Global Citizenship Scholarship, Durham University , 2014
Highly Commended, The Undergraduate Awards, 2014
Ustinov Global Citizenship Scholarship, Durham University , 2014
Highly Commended, The Undergraduate Awards, 2014