Position: PhD Student in the Department of Biosciences
Supervised by: Dr. Philip Stephens, Dr. Sean Twiss, and Dr. Alastair Ward
Membership: ASAB (Association of Animal Behaviour),
BEER (The Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research Centre, Durham University)
Contact Details: Department of Biosciences,
Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE.
Email: h.m.o'[email protected]
Supervised by: Dr. Philip Stephens, Dr. Sean Twiss, and Dr. Alastair Ward
Membership: ASAB (Association of Animal Behaviour),
BEER (The Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research Centre, Durham University)
Contact Details: Department of Biosciences,
Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE.
Email: h.m.o'[email protected]
2010-2011 MSc Biodiversity and Conservation (Distinction), University of Leeds
2005-2008 BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University
2010-2011 MSc Biodiversity and Conservation (Distinction), University of Leeds
2005-2008 BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University
O’Neill, H.M., Stephens, P., Twiss, S.D. & Ward, A. (2013). Visualizing a disturbance landscape. International Ethological Conference, 4th-8th August, 2013.
O’Neill, H.M., Stephens, P., Twiss, S.D. & Ward, A. (2013). Deer, biodiversity management and ecotourism in the Hebrides: conflict or mutual benefit? Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, 3rd-5th April, 2013.
O’Neill, H.M., Stephens, P., Twiss, S.D. & Ward, A. (2013). Visualizing a disturbance landscape. International Ethological Conference, 4th-8th August, 2013.
O’Neill, H.M., Stephens, P., Twiss, S.D. & Ward, A. (2013). Deer, biodiversity management and ecotourism in the Hebrides: conflict or mutual benefit? Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, 3rd-5th April, 2013.
Selected Awards and Fellowships
NERC Student Conference 'Poster Award', 2013
FERA Project Studenship, 2012-2015
NERC PhD Studentship, 2012-2015
NERC Student Conference 'Poster Award', 2013
FERA Project Studenship, 2012-2015
NERC PhD Studentship, 2012-2015